Sujata Massey: Mistress of Bhatia House (2023, Soho Press, Incorporated, Soho Crime) 4 stars

The Mistress of Bhatia House, by Sujata Massey

3 stars

Sujata Massey brings us back to mid-1920s Bombay (Mumbai) in the fourth historical mystery featuring India’s first female lawyer, Perveen Mistry, in The Mistress of Bhatia House. Previous installments of the series have set up Perveen’s somewhat circumscribed world. As a woman, she’s prevented from taking the bar and representing clients in court, but she can draft contracts, write threatening legal letters, and meet with clients—especially women who are reluctant or unable to meet with a male lawyer. While the constraints chafe, especially in this latest installment, Perveen has gotten very good at finding her way around (or through) the limits placed on her gender, race, and religion...

Read the rest of my review at A Bookish Type. I received a free copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley, for review consideration.