Zadie Smith: The Fraud (Hardcover, 2023, Penguin Press) 4 stars

From acclaimed and bestselling novelist Zadie Smith, a kaleidoscopic work of historical fiction set against …

The Fraud, by Zadie Smith

5 stars

The title of Zadie Smith’s latest novel, The Fraud, is our first prompt to question the distance between our inner self and the self (or selves) we present to others. The parade of characters we meet brings even more questions about who we really are. These pages contain the confused, the dissatisfied, the brash, the claimants, the deluded, and more. It’s a dizzying array of psychology that refuses to provide solid answers to any of the questions it raises. I’m not complaining! A healthy dose of self-reflection is good for the soul...

Read the rest of my review at A Bookish Type. I received a free copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley, for review consideration.