Tobias Buckell: Stranger in the Citadel (2023, Tachyon Publications) 3 stars

A Stranger in the Citadel, by Tobias S. Buckell

2 stars

Once again, I have been suckered in by a premise involving librarians in danger. Sadly, Tobias S. Buckell’s A Stranger in the Citadel fails to live up to the promise of the idea that librarians survive in a world that will burn anyone caught with a book or who demonstrates literacy. On the one hand, it’s full of too much detail to evoke the feel of folklore, where plot holes are readily forgiven as long as the story hits the right beats. On the other, there’s too little detail to give the impression of a fully-formed world for us readers to get immersed in...

Read the rest of my review at A Bookish Type.