A.R. Latif: Vultures in the House of Silence (EBook, 2024, Dastan Press) 3 stars

A boy wakes up surrounded by corpses. Unable to move, he is assaulted by vultures …

Vultures in the House of Silence, by A.R. Latif

3 stars

A.R. Latif’s historical fantasy, Vultures in the House of Silence, has one of the grimmest opening scenes I’ve ever encountered. Our protagonist, Khurafa, is lying near death in an abandoned stone tower. Vultures pluck at the stumps where his hands used to be. They only stop when Khurafa speaks. To spare himself more pain before he succumbs to his wounds, Khurafa tells the story of how he got where he is...

Read the rest of my review at A Bookish Type. I received a free copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley, for review consideration.