Laura Hillenbrand: Unbroken (2010, Random House) 4 stars

Review of 'Unbroken' on 'LibraryThing'

4 stars

My attraction to this book, aside from my wife's recommendation is one, Gernot Heinrichsdorfer, a German sprinter in '36, was a landscape architect and gardener we employed in Colo Spr in '81-'82. His best time in the 100 m was 10.4, his prime, as Louie, would have been the '40 games. (Gernot doesn't show up as a 100 m contestant at Berlin, I suspect that he, like Louie, raced at longer distance).returnreturnTo "Unbroken": a compelling read, Hillenbrand draws you forward. The only thing I didn't enjoy was the occasional repetition of facts and impressions. Her narration allows you to assume different futures to the characters and their relationships. So, while certain bits couldn't have been recorded without at least one survivor (I'm reminded of Woodward's recounting of Nixon and Kissinger alone on an elevator!), the raft-ride by Mac, Phil, and Louie does leave a few balls in the air. Hillenbrand has the knack for presenting Louie's next adventure as an open possibility. While some of the post-war trans-Pacific action is out of sequence, it didn't distract from the interest and impact, considering the competing value shift and position hardening on either side.