
a World War II airman's story of survival, resilience, and redemption

Published April 17, 2010 by Random House.

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4 stars (56 reviews)

1 edition

Review of 'Unbroken' on 'Storygraph'

5 stars

Yes, the story of a track star, a 1936 Olympian who becomes a WWII POW, survives and converts to Christianity may sound like the ultimate white person Greatest Generation canon fodder. But when it comes right down to it UNBROKEN is simply a masterful act of reporting and storytelling of listening, for years, to the epic story of Louis Zamporini, of authenticating enough historical data for three live times and then having it feel like his story to tell and not the author's. Mr. Zamporini no doubt led an extraordinary life. Lauren Hillenbrand's 7 years of work in telling his story in this magisterial modern classic is just as herioc. 

Review of 'Unbroken' on 'Storygraph'

3 stars

Very much enjoyed most of the book I found I was pretty well engaged throughout most of the book but once the war was over and I listened for several more hours about the aftermath - particularly the Billy Graham portions - I found my interest nearly non-existent. 
Truly what these men went through was harrowing and it would have been impossible for any of them to have even a glimmer of a peaceful recovery. 
The writing was good, as one would expect from this author, but there were many things that were repeated and, after a while, I felt like the book was overly long. 
Overall, I'm happy I read it and my interest in all things WWII has been rekindled. 

I'd go 3.5

Review of 'Unbroken' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

As I was reading this, I was wishing that the history books I'd had to read for school had been as well-written and interesting as this one. And lo, Laura Hillenbrand has adapted this important story for younger readers.

The plight of Pacific POWs during WWII was compelling and heartbreaking. It is astonishing that anyone could survive such an ordeal. I was impressed with the comprehensive information Hillenbrand was able to convey in such a readable, memorable format. She reminds us of how technologically different the world was during this dark time, how different and many the challenges were.

At the time, the lack of disseminated information kept others ignorant of what was happening to these soldiers, until much later. The statistics about the condition and subsequent welfare of these men are truly horrifying.

Louis Zamperini led a life with so many unforgettable happenings. He traveled to Germany to run …

Review of 'Unbroken' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

A gripping story. Many reviewers have labelled it uplifting, but it isn't really, it is horrifying. A better title would have been "Broken". Waterboarding, under another name, is mentioned, and the author briefly discusses destruction of the prisoners' dignity - both techniques used recently by our own torturers.
That the protagonist survives is quite miraculous (in some sense of that word), but the fact that he claims to have been cured of alcoholism and post-traumatic stress disorder by Billy Graham, and that he forgave his cruel captors is as uplifting to me as if he had found solace working at a carnival.

Review of 'Unbroken' on 'LibraryThing'

4 stars

My attraction to this book, aside from my wife's recommendation is one, Gernot Heinrichsdorfer, a German sprinter in '36, was a landscape architect and gardener we employed in Colo Spr in '81-'82. His best time in the 100 m was 10.4, his prime, as Louie, would have been the '40 games. (Gernot doesn't show up as a 100 m contestant at Berlin, I suspect that he, like Louie, raced at longer distance).returnreturnTo "Unbroken": a compelling read, Hillenbrand draws you forward. The only thing I didn't enjoy was the occasional repetition of facts and impressions. Her narration allows you to assume different futures to the characters and their relationships. So, while certain bits couldn't have been recorded without at least one survivor (I'm reminded of Woodward's recounting of Nixon and Kissinger alone on an elevator!), the raft-ride by Mac, Phil, and Louie does leave a few balls in the air. Hillenbrand …

Review of 'Unbroken' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Wonderful story of a Olympic Athlete, WW II Bomber, Asian theater POW and finally his time after the Army.

I really enjoyed that the book didn't just end when he got home, but went into the detail of what it felt like to come back to 'normal' after all he and his friends had been through.

Definitely a must read.

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