Reviews and Comments


Joined 1 year, 2 months ago

I'm reading mostly Fantasy and Thrillers, Memoirs and scientific Non-Fiction. I'm reading wherever my current mood takes me, so I'm really bad at sticking to lists I set myself. Still I try to fulfill several to-read challenges every year.

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Janina Ramirez: Femina (2022, Ebury Publishing) 4 stars

Brought to you by Penguin.

Extraordinary women have held positions of power throughout history. But, …

Review of 'Femina' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

I love the stories about women during the Middle Ages, although, of course, the women chosen can never represent the "average" woman of their respective time.

I liked to see how much influence women could have even back then, since that's a truth that's rarely spoken of in history lessons.

I absolutely have a problem with the sloppy editing of Femina, though. There are so many typos and grammatical errors in there that I was quite taken aback. This isn't something I expect from a professionally edited and published book.
And just for the record, it's called "Riesenkodex" ("Giant Codex"), not "Reisenkodex" ("Travel Codex")!

Maya Shepherd: Die Grimm-Chroniken. Band 01. Die Apfelprinzession (Paperback, 2018, Sternensand Verlag) 2 stars

Review of 'Die Grimm-Chroniken. Band 01. Die Apfelprinzession' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

Leider nichts für mich. Das gesamte Buch, zugegeben nur sehr kurz, liest sich wie ein herausgezögerter Vorspann. Da die ganze Reihe wohl einen einzigen Spannungsbogen hat, nicht extrem verwunderlich, dennoch animiert mich dieser Einstieg nicht dazu, 20 weitere Einzelbücher zu lesen.

Auch mit der Vertonung des Hörbuchs bin ich nicht warm geworden, allerdings kann ich nicht sagen, ob es an der Sprecherin oder dem Schreibstil lag.

Nachdem ich noch dazu nicht die Zielgruppe des Buchs bin, da einfach zu alt, ist diese Reihe für mich hier auch schon wieder zu Ende.

A. K. Turner: Body Language (Paperback) 3 stars

Review of 'Body Language' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

Inconclusive. On the one hand, Cassie is yet another sherlockian mastermind who just notes all the details and knows stuff about people, which is a trope I have come across so often that it's boring by now. Yet there is something intriguing enough to make me want to try and read the second instalment.

I'm also not sure about both Cassie's and Flyte's tragic backstories, both seem a bit standard issue out of the box tragedies so far. We'll see where they go.

I did like the forensic scenes and I would hope for more in future books of this series.

Terry Pratchett: Men at Arms (2003) 4 stars

Men at Arms is a fantasy novel by British writer Terry Pratchett, the 15th book …

Review of 'Men at Arms' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

I feel like this was a turning point in the watch cycle - with Guards Guards, it started in the King Carrot direction, but Men At Arms went more towards the Watch and the ending here cemented that direction. I'm curious what could have been, but I really like the Watch as it turned out.

Jasmin Schreiber: Abschied von Hermine (Hardcover, Deutsch language, Goldmann Verlag) 4 stars

Wir müssen alle sterben. Du, ich, die Tiere im Wald, die Pflanze auf dem Fensterbrett …

Review of 'Abschied von Hermine' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

Mir hat ein bisschen der rote Faden gefehlt. Die Mischung aus Biologie, Religion und Anekdoten mag ich an sich recht gerne, nur dass im Kapitel über die Zersetzung von Körpern plötzlich explodierende Wale zur Sprache kommen, der Ablasshandel im Kapitel zum Leben nach dem Tod thematisiert wird und die Paarung von Schnecken ein halbes Kapitel im Topic zur Zersetzung bekommt, um zu erklären, wieso Schnecken Knochen fressen, ist mir tatsächlich etwas zu durcheinander.

An sich guter Einstieg, aber für eine tiefere Beschäftigung mit dem Tod, sowohl biologisch als auch rituell empfehle ich die Bücher von Caitlin Doughty oder Mary Roach.

Samantha Shannon: The Priory of the Orange Tree (Hardcover, Bloomsbury Publishing PLC) 4 stars

A world divided. A queendom without an heir. An ancient enemy awakens.

The House of …

Review of 'The Priory of the Orange Tree' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Full disclaimer: I started reading The Priory of the Orange Tree without knowing what it was about, so I didn't have high expectations for the sapphic love story, since I didn't know there was one.

On the contrary, I enjoyed a fantasy novel with a love story, which at the same time didn't make it the be all end all of the novel, but instead based decisions on somewhat realistic political needs. I'm probably either a cynic or just sated on all the love is all you need type of stories.

I didn't fully get the magic system, and I would appreciate if the sequel delved into that a bit more. I'll probably also look at the prequel for more world buildung on that front.

Although high fantasy isn't really among my favourite genres anymore, I really enjoyed the global viewpoint and all the different cultures in Shannon's novel. I …

reviewed The Long Earth by Stephen Baxter (The Long Earth, #1)

Terry Pratchett, Stephen Baxter: The Long Earth (Hardcover, 2012, HarperCollins Harper) 4 stars

1916: the Western Front. Private Percy Blakeney wakes up. He is lying on fresh spring …

Review of 'The Long Earth' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

It's not a discworld novel, and it seems this is obvious but essential knowledge for appreciating this book.

Still it's a cool idea for an alternative world - and mainly it feels like that's what it is. An exploration of an idea much more than a fully plotted tale. It's a writing style which leaves much to the own imagination - what would you do, were you able to step? What stories could be happening on stepwise worlds?

I understand this sort of book isn't for everyone and also not for every reading mood. Sometimes a properly bound and finished story is what you need, sometimes a more or less loose collection of stories around a certain topic is more to your liking.

If you feel open for adventure, here you should certainly take a step or a million.