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Caffeinated Book Dragon Locked account

Joined 1 year, 10 months ago

A book-hoarder who wants to learn everything and anything I can when I can through books (especially when hands-on experience not likely or available). A cup of coffee (or afternoon tea) and a good book while on my porch is my idea of a great relaxing time.

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Caffeinated Book Dragon's books

Currently Reading

2025 Reading Goal

10% complete! Caffeinated Book Dragon has read 5 of 50 books.

Play, watch, and understand Americas favorite pastime. Baseball For Dummies gives you all the inside …

If you've just glanced at the game before, this will help you get the lingo and the mechanics big time

3 stars

As someone who has seen baseball in films and on tv for ages, and even been to a few games, well, there's a lot of basic stuff that I picked up just by sight. But when you talk with someone in the know, it's easy to get lost. That's where I was before this book. I'd collected the cards and seen the stats, but had no idea how good or bad any of it was or what they meant.

This book answered a LOT of those questions, and included formulas on how they figure them out.

The first chunk of the book is about game mechanics and how to improve your own play and make sure you do it right and safely. But the 2nd half is largely about the history, the rules and changes, stats configurations, how ball teams work, and much more. There's a lot of anecdotal asides …

Marcus Aurelius: Meditations (Barnes & Noble Edition Series) (2007, Barnes & Noble) 3 stars

Short read, yet tricky to get through this translation

3 stars

Let's face it... I'm sure there are dozens of authors who have simplified and translated the text of Marcus Aurelius, or done a thorough analysis of his work to interpret it just the right way. This version has a bunch of older, more classical English with the "thou" usage and all. I had to really clear my head and be in quiet places to finish reading this short work. Some of the extra parts of the book were essentially mini-bios of Marcus Aurelius ... or more accurately, the influences on him and the times he was part of.

There's a lot of wisdom in this book, some repetition and all... but as long as you remember it's basically some journaling that was meant only for the man himself to reflect on, and not something he meant to send to a publisher of his day, then it gets easier to see …

Ray Bradbury: Zen in the Art of Writing: Essays on Creativity  (1994, Joshua Odell Editions) 4 stars

Great collection of essays on writing...

4 stars

Bradbury's style of weaving words continues in this collection of essay on writing. It's not a long read page-wise, but is a collection of Bradbury's takes on the craft, his influences at different periods of life, different approaches he took, etc.

Worth a read for anyone who wants to study the writing process and become inspired.