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DannyPelvic Locked account

Joined 3 months, 2 weeks ago

Old man in a Brave, New World.

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2025 Reading Goal

19% complete! DannyPelvic has read 5 of 26 books.

finished reading The Giver by Lois Lowry (The Giver, #1)

Lois Lowry: The Giver (Paperback, 1993, HMH) 4 stars

It is a school edition used in many schools across the US while it a …

Was a little disappointed with the last half of this book. While the author says he left the ending vague intentionally, it only makes the book feel unfinished and unsatisfying. I doubt I'll read the rest of the series.

Edmund Jorgensen: Speculation (Paperback, Inkwell & Often) 4 stars

Andrew Wrangles has a decision to make. His best friend Sothum, a philosophical and financial …

Good read

4 stars

This was a surprisingly quick read for me. I finished the book much quicker than I anticipated, because I had quite a few things going. I shelved them all to plow through this book. Interesting concept that was executed well. The message is timeless, and in the age of AI, timely. I was captivated by the characters.

I do recommend.

Viktor E. Frankl: Man's Search for Meaning (2006, Beacon Press) 4 stars

The inspirational story of Viktor Frankl's struggle to hold onto hope during his three years …

Thought provoking. The personal experiences of a survivor, while the war in Gaza is raging, brought the conflict and its paradoxes home. The psychological aspect of the experiences he suffered, while "field testing" his thesis, paints a portrait of courage and cohesive thought. An absolute must read for anyone that cares about humanity.

Ben H. Winters: The Last Policeman (Paperback, 2013, Quirk Books) 4 stars

What’s the point in solving murders if we’re all going to die soon, anyway?

Detective …

Liked this book. It was a great bedtime read that kept me awake just long enough to make good progress. The the eyelids got heavy and I hit myself in the face with my kindle. Every. Single. Night. I'll have to follow up with the rest of the series when I get through my current list.