
quoted Healing Grounds by Liz Carlisle

Liz Carlisle: Healing Grounds (Hardcover, Island Press) 5 stars

A powerful movement is happening in farming today—farmers are reconnecting with their roots to fight …

In the dominant US context, making a home typically means eradicating other species. This is why conservation groups are so concerned about development. More houses mean less wildlife. And yet this isn't a necessary correlation. The tropical forest of the Maya lowlands is a richly biodiverse ecosystem, teeming with rare and endemic species. But it's also very much a human creation-managed for generations with fire and other tools to create an ecosystem in which more than 95 percent of the dominant tree species have utility for humans. For Mayan people, making a home for themselves has also meant making a home for their fellow species, including those that pollinate their crops. eat their pests, and enrich their soil.

Healing Grounds by  (Page 124)