
"From an award-winning legal scholar, a stirring argument about the central role of citizen activists …

Review of 'Engines of liberty' on 'Storygraph'

4 stars

Main takeaways:
- The courts are only part of the way that constitutional law changes. How judges and justices view the law depends a lot on how the nation views the laws.
- Because of this, the effort to shift ideas needs to take place at a variety of other levels. Develop an academic background to reference. Do door-to-door campaigns and appeal to individuals with narratives that actually influence them. Win on a small scale - at the state. Win incrementally.
- The current interpretation of the 2nd amendment as supporting an individual right to bear arms is a modern interpretation. Before 2008 the supreme court had never recognized a constitutional right for the individual to bear arms. The perception changed because a devoted campaign by the NRA to establish the individual right in scholarship, in state laws since the 1970s was dramatically successful.
- This is an example about how nothing is set in stone. Fatalism is useless.

-"Hope is more the consequence of action than its cause. As the experience of the spectator facor fatalism, so the experience of the agent produces hope." - Roberto Unger and Cornel West