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Clément Martin Locked account

Joined 2 years, 1 month ago

English to French translator who likes to read and to keep track of said reading. And also hates goodreads.

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Seth Dickinson: The Traitor Baru Cormorant (The Masquerade Book 1) (2015, Tor Books) 4 stars


5 stars

What a ride. It's really cloak'n'dagger'n'taxes: the novel. But far from a dry treatise on the geopolitics, economics and logistics of insurrection, it is a very intimate novel about what Empire does to a country, and to people. I've seldom been so hooked by so apparently slow a book. A definite must read for anyone who likes complex fantasy and company ledgers.

Seth Dickinson: The Traitor Baru Cormorant (The Masquerade Book 1) (2015, Tor Books) 4 stars

What a ride. It's really cloak'n'dagger'n'taxes: the novel. But far from a dry treatise on the geopolitics, economics and logistics of insurrection, it is a very intimate novel about what Empire does to a country, and to people. I've seldom been so hooked by so apparently slow a book. A definite must read for anyone who likes complex fantasy and company ledgers.

Italo Calvino: Si par une nuit d'hiver un voyageur (French language, 2015) 4 stars

If on a winter's night a traveler (Italian: Se una notte d'inverno un viaggiatore) is …

Un exercice intéressant mais lassant sur la durée

3 stars

Je suis content d'avoir lu ce livre dont j'ai beaucoup entendu parler, et je salue l'exercice de style de ces 10 récits imbriqués avec brio. Cependant, j'ai eu du mal à me sentir concerné le moins du monde par le sort du Lecteur et de la Lectrice, et les circonvolutions de leur histoire ont fini par me paraître trop artificielles.

Cependant, l'essai dans lequel Calvino explique le roman à la fin de cette édition est particulièrement intéressant. J'en retiens notamment cette citation fantastique, en réponse à un critique qui pensait que Calvino avait peut-être agi "inconsciemment" dans ses choix narratifs favorisant le lecteur :

"Si j'ai mis Lecteur et Lectrice au centre du livre, je savais très bien ce que je faisais. Et je n'oublie pas une seule seconde (puisque je vis des droits d'auteur) que le lecteur est un acquéreur et que le livre est un objet qui se …

reviewed The Oleander Sword by Tasha Suri (The Burning Kingdom, #2)

Tasha Suri: The Oleander Sword (2022, Orbit) 4 stars

The prophecy of the nameless god—the words that declared Malini the rightful empress of Parijatdvipa—has …

Review of 'The Oleander Sword' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Exceptional follow-up to what was a hard act to follow. It is 1am and I haven't been able to wrench myself from this book. I loved how Suri once again managed to weave the small and the great, the personal and the political, the tender and the grueling. She has a keen eye for the smallest inflections of the soul, and how they show in the body. Now I can't wait for the third book. The suspense is harrowing, in the best possible way. Thank you, Ms. Suri!