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Dustin's books

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Adania Shibli, Elisabeth Jaquette: Minor Detail (Paperback, 2020, Fitzcarraldo Editions) 4 stars

Minor Detail begins during the summer of 1949, one year after the war that the …

Minor Detail

4 stars

An excellent novel detailing a war crime by a nascent Israeli army as told by its principal perpetrator, and the subsequent investigation of that crime by an anxious Palestinian woman in the past decade. Two stories woven together by echoing details—a dog, a sound, the smell of fuel—and fear. This one comes with a Coetzee blurb and that makes sense, both in the book's content and in the really interesting voice Shibli gives her character in the second half—an almost Dyeresque travelogue narration, but with huge stakes unfurling in the background.