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Michael Roberts

Joined 1 year, 7 months ago

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Michael Roberts's books

2024 Reading Goal

13% complete! Michael Roberts has read 4 of 30 books.

Neil Gaiman, Mark Buckingham, Chris Blythe: Neil Gaiman's Likely Stories (2018, Dark Horse Comics) 4 stars

Adapted short stories

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Adapted short stories always read a bit oddly in comic book format. Artist / script writer Mark Buckingham (from Fables) preserved a lot of Gaiman's writing and descriptions, so the pages are dense with panels and text (sometimes 16 panels in a page).

This will take longer to read than you expect, but it's well worth the time. The stories are eerie and engaging, and Buckingham truly does have a beautiful style.

Cal Newport: A World Without Email (2021, Portfolio) 4 stars

The problem tackled... that of too much constant noise in our day to day work... is a fascinating topic. The task of resolving that problem isn't as exciting or fun, but the author shares a lot of great ideas to make it happen. Ultimately, each work place will need to do some experimentation to see how to make this idea stick, even if it just means a reduction in noise instead of banning it outright.