Fulminata reviewed Game Wizards by Jon Peterson
Review of 'Game Wizards' on 'Goodreads'
5 stars
The history of Dungeons & Dragons as a business from its creation to the ouster of Gary Gygax from TSR.
Other books, including the author's own [b:Playing at the World: A History of Simulating Wars, People, and Fantastic Adventure from Chess to Role-Playing Games|15784870|Playing at the World A History of Simulating Wars, People, and Fantastic Adventure from Chess to Role-Playing Games|Jon Peterson|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1350579412l/15784870.SX50.jpg|21502915], deal with the history of D&D as a game, this instead focuses on the relationships, lawsuits, and business deals that define its history as the core of a business.
None of the major players come off well in this. Dave Arneson, Gary Gygax, and the entire extended Blume family all come across as people I would never want to do business with, for varying reasons. This at times makes for a depressing read, but well worth it for anyone interested in the history of roleplaying games.