GODot rated La tour de l'hirondelle: 4 stars

La tour de l'hirondelle by Andrzej Sapkowski
The Tower of the Swallow, published as The Tower of Swallows in the United States (Polish original title: Wieża Jaskółki) …
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The Tower of the Swallow, published as The Tower of Swallows in the United States (Polish original title: Wieża Jaskółki) …
A bizarre crime happens in castle Ambrumésy in France. Thieves break into the parlour, kill a man, steal something but …
For the first time in history, we have instantaneous access to the world’s knowledge. There has never been a better …
Baptism of Fire (Polish original title: Chrzest ognia) is the third novel in the Witcher Saga written by Polish fantasy …
Geralt de Riv, le mutant aux cheveux d’albâtre, n’en a pas fini avec sa vie errante de tueur de monstres …
Harry Potter is preparing to leave the Dursleys and Privet Drive for the last time. But the future that awaits …
Gwen Poole is everyone's favorite character from the 'real' world! And her superpower is Official-Handbook-level knowledge of top-secret comic book …
Gwen challenges Doctor Doom in a bid for the attention of The Avengers.
Best part of living in a world of comic book heroes? TEAM-UPS, BABY! Gwen meets Miles Morales, SPIDER-MAN, and it …
Gwen Poole continues to make friends and influence people across the Marvel Universe! But what will some of Marvel's greatest …