User Profile

Hannah Steenbock

Joined 2 years, 2 months ago

German indie author, dragonlover and dreamer. Writing Fantasy in English. Supports the Underdog, loves feel-good stories.

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(Yes, Buehsteppe Verlag is my own little business that I need for tax reasons.)

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Doranna Durgin: Dun Lady's Jess (Paperback, 1994, Baen) 5 stars

Once a horse, still learning human ways, only Dun Lady's Jess has the insight - …

Review of "Dun Lady's Jess" on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

This is one of my favorites, one of those stories that I come back to just to enjoy it again.

I utterly love how Jess remains a horse essentially, even as her body says something else. This is so well done that it makes me "feel" Jess, her difficulties, her discoveries and her victories.

Go read this if you love horses.

Doranna Durgin: Changespell (Paperback, 1997, Baen) 4 stars

Review of 'Changespell' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

I fell in love with Jess when I read the first book in the series. It helps that I love and adore horses, of course, but Doranna Durgin makes Jess really "feel" like a horse in a human body.

In "Changespell", Jess' story continues in a gripping adventure that brings together Jaime, Carey, Jess and Dayna again. Only Mark gets left out...

I enjoyed this very much because it's a full adventure in its own right, even as it picks up some threads from the first book. Jess continues to grow in her human personality while also incorporating her horse essence more and more. And yet her relationship with Carey remains troubled.

Of course, there are also evil wizards, a nasty drug and changed animals to content with, so things never get boring.

Enjoy this wild ride!

Anthea Sharp: Feyland (Paperback, 2012, Brand: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform) 4 stars

Review of 'Feyland' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Very clever idea, and well executed. I really liked the game scenes, they rang true (I play such games).

I'm not entirely sure of the slightly SF aspects - both the hovercars and -boards as well as the Exe slum felt a bit forced to indicate a future America.

A good, enjoyable read with a satisfying conclusion.

Captain Luta Paixon is searching for answers, why does she look like a woman in …

Review of "One's aspect to the sun" on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

I really enjoyed this story. Strong female character. Complex supporting cast. Great technology. Well-thought out universe. A tad of romance. Amazing plot.
This is how I like SF.
More, please.