Hilo reviewed The Dispossessed by Ursula K. Le Guin (Hainish Cycle, #6)
Review of 'The Dispossessed' on 'Goodreads'
5 stars
Ich möchte einfach nur mein Lieblingszitat aus dem Buch posten, über die ersten Tage in einer Beziehung:
"Intimacy after long solitude, the abruptness of joy,
tried both Shevek’s stability and Takver’s. In the first
few decads he had wild swings of elation and anxiety;
she had fits of temper. Both were oversensitive and
inexperienced. The strain did not last, as they became
experts in each other. Their sexual hunger persisted as
passionate delight, their desire for communion was daily
renewed because it was daily fulfilled."