Neal Stephenson: Seveneves (EBook, 2016, The Borough Press) 4 stars

When a catastrophic event renders the earth a ticking time bomb, it triggers a feverish …

Review of 'Seveneves' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

I think this is the last book by Neal Stephenson I will read. I really enjoyed Snow Crash ten years ago. Since then, I have tried to read several of his novels, and I think I've abandoned all of them until Seveneves.

Seveneves has an interesting premise, though can feel depressing. That's not why I'm done reading this author. It is just plodding in a way that makes reading a chore. I've read a lot of hard SF. Rendezvous with Rama never made be feel like this. Seveneves spends too much time describing the look of this and that module, or where it is in relation to this other thing...blah blah blah. I was told what pykrete was at least four times. (If it isn't used frequently enough and named well for me to remember....don't name the junk.)

There's a good novel in here, it's just diluted with an extra not good novel. Cut by a third, this could have been excellent.