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Kantolope's books

Currently Reading

Starhawk: The Fifth Sacred Thing (1993, Bantam Books) 4 stars

An epic tale of freedom and slavery, love and war, and the potential futures of …

I'm not a cynic," Maya protested. "I admit the beauty of this city. It has a beautiful beating heart. It cares for its own, and for the stranger. Its streams run with clear water, and the trees that line its pathways bow under the weight of fruit anyone is free to pick. And yes, we had a hand in shaping it. But what does that mean if it can't survive?" "It means it existed once," Rio said, "and so it is possible. Undeniably possible."

The Fifth Sacred Thing by  (Page 325)

The Epitome of "Hit or Miss"

3 stars

This is an anthology of short essays about the importance of community, environment, and centering oneself, which I'd normally be super into, but the quality varies wildly. You can finish up the most profound essay on how connection with nature is essential to connect with your community and how both make life better, followed up with an essay about how Singapore's dictatorship isn't that bad actually because they make the trains run on time. Overall, I'd recommend it, but only just, because the highs tend to outweigh the lows.