Reviews and Comments

Molly Foust

Joined 1 month ago

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A.K. Blakemore, A. K. Blakemore: The Glutton (Hardcover, 2023, Granta Books) 4 stars

Shield your softer parts and don't eat while reading

4 stars

couldn't wait to read this one, because I read about the man who could not stop eating years ago and thought, hmmm, weird. Was he a medical abnormality? OR a 600 pound life contestant that was just ahead of his time, dropped into a land of dearth and war, dreaming of a future of full of trans fat and superstores? Voraciously brutal and peppered with such unusual verbiage that I wondered vaguely where my dictionary was and if I should be worried about my SAT scores, I considering shelving this next to my food books. How outraged my lovely books extolling the history of beans and salt and mushrooms would be, sitting next to this hapless hungry peasant, this poubelle sans fini. Surely the other books would squeeze together, vomit him onto the floor, and if they could, beat it with a stick. There was so much beating with sticks …

Review of 'Dying to Know' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

I read this book because I am afraid of death and cancer, and I believe in hospice services and the value they provide. In that regard, there was nothing new-acceptance, society's death phobia, the importance of having a living will, death comes when it feels like it but never at the right time, dying sucks but you might get lucky and hallucinate at the end, religious jackasses want to keep you from your right to die or that is, your right to not be in horrific pain in your final days. None of that was new and has perhaps been more eloquently expressed elsewhere.
Rather, what I really loved about this book was the author's personal story and connection to her work, and her frank leveling with the non-dying about our inevitable end. Her ordinary life is laid plain, she believes in herself, she is bold and honest. Many bios …

Alice Feeny: Beautiful Ugly (Hardcover, 2024, Flatiron Books) 4 stars

Review of 'Beautiful Ugly' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

The fun factor on this book is five stars. I found I could not stop exclaiming. DID YOU JUST DO THAT? (introduce a parodic fate character who weaves) WTF (with the Island mistrustful of outsiders trope) HAHAHAA (was that a Vanished reference redone?.) The author anticipates your skepticism and valiantly distracts and misdirects you. Just let it happen because no matter how incredulous you might be, the end is hilarious and worth it.
I was so charmed that suspending my disbelief became a labor of love. The atmosphere of a remote Scottish island in the Hebrides is just where you want to be. The hodgepodge of your favorite characters plucked from Wickerman, Gone Girl, Macbeth, sundry horror movies/ thrillers and transformed with a good dose of female power are so fun. Even the plot twists were torn from here and there and remade with such dramatic aplomb that what stands …

Review of 'No Edges' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

There are not enough stories in this world, I have often thought, of people shitting themselves on buses. I know a guy who got food poisoning from a pizza hut in India directly before getting on a bus for thirty hours, and had to puke and shit out the window for twenty hours or so. I myself puked from food poisoning in Nepal while on a short bus ride to the plane, and nobody seemed to think it was a big deal. In Africa they are not so tolerant, but shitting yourself on a bus is still way better than being a witch.
I have to say that none of these stories made me want to visit Kenya or Tanzania but at the same time I was delighted by the oddity of each of these strange tales. It is like you sit down in a forest, leaves rustle, and you …