Welcome to the Hyunam-Dong Bookshop

A Novel

English language

Published 2024 by Bloomsbury Publishing USA.

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4 stars (19 reviews)

6 editions

A book like a lake

4 stars

Just finished reading this and still am collecting my thoughts.

This is not my usual kind of read. I did pick it up because it was supposed to be a cosy read and I needed one.

What I’m left with is a sadness though.

Not much happens in the book. It’s like watching a lake on a wind-stilled day. After a while, the view does become boring even if it’s still as beautiful.

capitalism sucks but we are also stuck with it, and that's not an entirely bad thing.

4 stars

Content warning idk if spoilers but just to be safe

Cosy Read

4 stars

I enjoyed this, having picked it up pretty impulsively - one of the glut of books-about-bookshops that have sprung up lately.

Running theme was work, how work relates to your life, and a lot of the themes resonated with me. It didn't really feel preachy or as if it had a point it was trying to make. Instead it presented some characters and their lives - sometimes culminating in a one liner that you instinctively apply to yourself. I enjoyed the format focusing on different characters throughout the book.

There's not much more to it though - so you'd certainly need to be in the right mood to enjoy this.

Review of 'Welcome to the Hyunam-Dong Bookshop' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

A superb treatise on finding yourself again after burnout from overwork.

The book gathers together a collection of characters who, in some way or other, have been the victims of overwork (and a teenager who worries about joining the workforce), and how they manage to change their lives to deal with the issues it has caused. They meet in Yeongju's new neighbourhood bookshop - beautifully described throughout the book and a place anyone would want to visit and start to heal again with the power of words and reading.

A great book to read - all about healing, the nature of work, how, why, and when we work and for what purpose. And how work is related to happiness and finding out what happiness actually is for each individual.

Healing and inspiring

4 stars

I read this book as part of a book club (shout out to #HoloReads) and I think I couldn’t have chosen a better time in my life to read this book. I found the central theme of burnout and trying to heal within a capitalist system very relevant and relatable. The writing was easy to digest too.

Quote from the author's note:

In other words, I wanted to write what I want to read. Stories of people who find their own pace and direction, of people who believe in others and wait by their side as they go through difficult times, lost in worry. Stories of those who support others, who celebrate small efforts and resolve in a society that puts people—and everything about them—down once they take a fall. Stories that bring comfort, providing a pat on the shoulder for those who’ve lost the joy in life, having …

Review of 'Welcome to the Hyunam-Dong Bookshop' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

prescindible. m’hi he quedat per saber com l’autora resolia el tema aquest de deixar la teva feina d’oficina que és la teva vida fins que tens un burnout i decideixes deixar-ho i obrir una llibreria perquè llegir era el teu hobby d’adolescent i acabes convertint la teva vida en la teva feina de nou perquè oh sorpresa t’has fet empresària i ara treballar 24/7 sembla que sí que està bé i portes una vida feliç i en ordre amb els nous amics que has fet a la teva nova feina (però que és el barista que has contractat, veïns del barri i un autor que fa un curs d’escriptura a la llibreria). en resum: convertir el teu hobby en la teva feina si eres addicte a treballar no canviarà que segueixis dedicant la teva vida a la feina i no està clar que hagis d’estar més feliç per treballar del …

Welcome to the Hyunam-Dong Bookshop

3 stars

This is not my usual type of read - in fact, I almost put it down early on, but then I identified so hard with the first Minjun chapter that I stuck with it.

It's very much like a version of Bookshops & Bonedust without the fantasy trappings and the larger plot - characters with a variety of personal issues come together around a bookshop.

It's well written (and well translated! which is not a given!) - what I'm really missing is something actually happening. The characters each go through their different journeys of personal discovery and/or growth, but nothing is materially different at the end of the book. 🤷

Cozy, heartfelt, reflective

5 stars

Intentionally read this slow to savor it. This is what I want from a light hearted cozy slice of life - enough depth and emotional resonance for characters to work through small (but big to them) struggles without it feeling too perfect.

It is a bit episodic in nature at times, but the slow pace I read it made it so I didn’t mind that at all. If I gave into my desire to devour this quickly then I may have felt a little differently and knocked a star based on my mood influencing the feel.

Great if you like some of the other recent slice of life darlings that feature bookish or coffee themes. Lower emotional stakes but still has depth.

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