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Joined 1 year, 4 months ago

Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Fiction/LGBT+ I always want to be reading more than I already am. Support your local libraries! Mastodon:

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Caroline Criado Perez: Invisible Women (Hardcover, 2019, Harry N. Abrams) 4 stars

Data is fundamental to the modern world. From economic development, to healthcare, to education and …

Wow this one took me a while to chip through. But in my defense, I was demoralized at my progress through the book after being hammered with upsetting facts for 16 chapters. Turns out, my Kobo was factoring the citations into the % completed. The citations account for FIFTY PERCENT of this book according to Kobo.

Caroline Criado Perez uses "I cite my sources" as a THREAT. This is a great read and every woman should give this a read at some point, even if you can't make it through the whole thing, pick a chapter that means something to you.

George Orwell (duplicate): 1984 (Paperback, 2003, Pearson Education) 4 stars

Winston Smith lives in a society where the government controls people every second of the …

What a miserable book. 10/10 stars. Must read.

5 stars

Content warning Second paragraph details my opinion on the ending. I'd also love more resources for finding epubs, but here's what I've got to contribute. Calibre is an open source program that you can search their databases for DRM free epubs. (I've had mixed results) There's also that has an entire DRM free section. But it's substantially smaller than the DRM content pages. is a GIANT library of ebooks for rentals as well!

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Where do folks go to get DRM-free epub books when they're trying to avoid Amazon and Barnes & Noble?

I use and for my hard copies of things, but I LOVE my eBooks too.

Right now the only advantage to Amazon is that I can legally break the DRM, so the book is truly mine once I purchase it (I won't buy eBooks I can't unlock). But I'd really like to find alternate sources of DRM-free books. Ideas?