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Laura Locked account

Joined 2 years, 8 months ago

I like literary fiction and speculative fiction.

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Laura's books

Jhumpa Lahiri: Whereabouts (Hardcover, Knopf) 3 stars

A marvelous new novel from the Pulitzer Prize winning author of The Lowland and Interpreter …

Loneliness in translation

3 stars

Written originally in Italian and then translated into English by the author herself, this is an interesting experiment. The nameless narrator belongs and does not belong to the nameless Italian city in which she lives and which also lives around her.

Ali Smith: Companion Piece (Hardcover, 2022, Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group) 5 stars

A story of life turned into something too difficult to deal with (and no mention …

Isolation and connection

4 stars

Another of Ali Smith's real time novels, following her quartet of seasons: this time about pandemic isolation and finding connections with other living things, human and animal, whether we want them or not.

Hervé Le Tellier: The Anomaly (2022, Michael Joseph) 4 stars

In June 2021, a senseless event upends the lives of hundreds of men and women, …

Original and a little creepy

4 stars

(I read the English translation by Adriana Hunter.)

The premise is fantastical. The novel captures quite well just how people respond to the fantastical: they get used to it and do their best to carry on.