
finished reading A Betrayal in Winter by Daniel Abraham (Long Price Quartet, #2)

Daniel Abraham: A Betrayal in Winter (2007, Tor Books) 4 stars

Daniel Abraham delighted fantasy readers with his brilliant, original, and engaging first novel, A Shadow …

Idaan is a compelling character, but even though I appreciate the complexity of the story, the book is not really a page turner.

At some point I made to decision to focus on finishing it to finally be able to move on to another book, and I really liked how it ended. The end was as calm as in the first book, but the final dialogue had more impact, and felt like a payoff from the events of the first book.

Since the series is praised for how it builds over the previous decisions of the characters and shows their consequences decades later, I'm eager to know how their story keeps unfolding.

...but I'll read another book in the meantime! I think I need something lighter, or some non-fiction.