Annalee Newitz: The Terraformers (EBook, 2023, Tom Doherty Associates) 4 stars

From science fiction visionary Annalee Newitz comes The Terraformers, a sweeping, uplifting, and illuminating exploration …

Every book I'm going to read in the next few month will have a hard time challenging the "best novel of the year" spot The Terraformers has claimed. I have a hard time listing all the ways in which I enjoyed this book, from worldbuilding to character crafting to narration. Whether you're into queer and/or non-human characters, inter-species love stories, wildly imaginable worlds, public transport, or simply complex stories about capitalism and self-governance, you'll find something to get out of this book. So get it and read it - or listen to it, as it's been produced in an amazing audiobook version, too (as I've been told)