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LouInABook Locked account

Joined 3 years, 4 months ago

I like talking with others about books I read that I like, or that inspire me. I'm a slow reader, most of the time, because tired, but I still usually read 2-4 books in parallel. There's always at least one non-fiction book, and mostly one novel. I love audiobooks, too, so sometimes it's two novels at the same time. :laugh: I will comment in German, if books are available only in this language (because why tease anyone, when there's no translation available), otherwise, I comment in English.

My interests range from gender and trans*, psychology, subculture, ecology, and political topics to sci-fi, gothic, horror, and queer novels.

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LouInABook's books

To Read (View all 5)

Currently Reading (View all 5)

Annalee Newitz: The Terraformers (EBook, 2023, Tom Doherty Associates) 4 stars

From science fiction visionary Annalee Newitz comes The Terraformers, a sweeping, uplifting, and illuminating exploration …

Every book I'm going to read in the next few month will have a hard time challenging the "best novel of the year" spot The Terraformers has claimed. I have a hard time listing all the ways in which I enjoyed this book, from worldbuilding to character crafting to narration. Whether you're into queer and/or non-human characters, inter-species love stories, wildly imaginable worlds, public transport, or simply complex stories about capitalism and self-governance, you'll find something to get out of this book. So get it and read it - or listen to it, as it's been produced in an amazing audiobook version, too (as I've been told)

Becky Chambers: The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet (Hardcover, 2015, Hodder & Stoughton Ltd) 4 stars

The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet is the 2014 debut science fiction novel …

a story that thrives on its characters

5 stars

The basic storyline of this book is nothing entirely out of the ordinary: Space crew gets dangerous but lucrative job offer, travels to their destinations, stuff happens there and along the way. You can take the title literally: it's a long way but only a small planet (episode).

I liked the world building, but especially the way the protagonists interact with each other. It's a story that is, for once, not driven by toxic behavior and the inability to communicate, but instead based on empathy and mutual support. The characters belong to different alien and human races, they do sometimes face conflicts over their specific needs, but frequently try to find solutions that work for everyone. In some ways, it seemed like an enhanced and more diverse version of the "Firefly" crew to me (which I loved).

This is a read leaves you with more positive than negative emotions, while …

Becky Chambers: The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet (Hardcover, 2015, Hodder & Stoughton Ltd) 4 stars

The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet is the 2014 debut science fiction novel …

a story that thrives on its characters

5 stars

The basic storyline of this book is nothing entirely out of the ordinary: Space crew gets dangerous but lucrative job offer, travels to their destinations, stuff happens there and along the way. You can take the title literally: it's a long way but only a small planet (episode).

I liked the world building, but especially the way the protagonists interact with each other. It's a story that is, for once, not driven by toxic behavior and the inability to communicate, but instead based on empathy and mutual support. The characters belong to different alien and human races, they do sometimes face conflicts over their specific needs, but frequently try to find solutions that work for everyone. In some ways, it seemed like an enhanced and more diverse version of the "Firefly" crew to me (which I loved).

This is a read leaves you with more positive than negative emotions, while …