Simon Jimenez: The Spear Cuts Through Water (Hardcover, 2022, Random House) 4 stars

The people suffer under the centuries-long rule of the Moon Throne. The royal family—the despotic …

A grim yet beautiful story of love and hope

5 stars

Absolutely wonderful story. It is at times unbelievably dark and grim, and then at other times almost magical in it's beauty. Jimenez's unique style gives the reader insight into the world the protagonists travel upon, by allowing us to peer into the thoughts and dreams of others. This book covers many themes. Love and War, Greed and Hate, Honor and Family, and many many more, as well as the marriage and intersection of these themes. This book explores the history of a fictional world from the past, the present, and from somewhere entirely in-between. It is dark, complex, and beautiful, and I couldn't recommend it more than I already am