Reviews and Comments
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Manyeyedgirl rated Killers of the Flower Moon: 4 stars
Manyeyedgirl rated I'm Thinking of Ending Things: 3 stars

I'm Thinking of Ending Things by Iain Reid
I’m thinking of ending things. Once this thought arrives, it stays. It sticks. It lingers. It’s always there. Always.
Jake …
Manyeyedgirl rated Gender Trouble: 5 stars

Gender Trouble by Judith Butler (Routledge Classics)
One of the most talked-about scholarly works of the past fifty years, Judith Butler’s Gender Trouble is as celebrated as …
Manyeyedgirl rated Candide: 3 stars
Manyeyedgirl rated The Temple: 3 stars
Manyeyedgirl rated Plato's Meno: 4 stars

Plato, Πλάτων: Plato's Meno (1980, Hackett)
Plato's Meno by Plato, Πλάτων
"Plato's Meno and Phaedo are two of the most important works of ancient western philosophy and continue to be studied …
Manyeyedgirl rated The Ego and Its Own: 4 stars

The Ego and Its Own by Max Stirner (Cambridge texts in the history of political thought)
The Ego and Its Own (German: Der Einzige und sein Eigentum; meaningfully translated as The Individual and his Property …
Manyeyedgirl rated Apology: 3 stars
Manyeyedgirl rated Festival Man: 4 stars
Manyeyedgirl rated William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet: 4 stars

William Shakespeare: William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet (2021, Independently Published)
William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare
General Editor Richard Adams • Complete and unexpurgated Shakespeare texts • Extensive notes and questions opposite the text for a …
Manyeyedgirl rated The Little Prince: 3 stars

The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
For readers who would like a quick reminder of the book and its main storyline, here is a summary of …