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April Jade: Mad Love: MM Mafia Daddy Romance (Paperback, 2022, ‎ Independently published) 3 stars

“He looked exactly the way I liked him to… dangerous and mine.”

Benjamin Thomas, a …

Review of 'Mad Love: MM Mafia Daddy Romance' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

While I didn't love this as much as the second book, it's still a fabulously fluffy dark kinky mafia romance. All the unhealthy co-dependency, obsession, and "I hate everyone but you who I would do anything for" you could ever want. There's violence, but it's not described in detail and the whole book is about hope. So really the only "dark" part is the whole killing and maiming and arrogance bit. This is going on my re-read list for sure. I really hope April comes out with another one in this series!

Jackson Marsh: Deviant Desire (Paperback, Independently published) No rating

Review of 'Deviant Desire' on 'Goodreads'

No rating

DNF at 26%. Consent is a thing. I get it wasn't in Victorian London, but that doesn't mean I want to read about MCs who ignore it. Repeatedly fondling/grabbing someone's ass and cock and kissing them after they have said no multiple times and physically tried to throw you off was, at best, uncomfortable to read. I don't care if their cock got hard, that's sexual assault and it's still bothering me hours later.

The writing up til that point had been fine to good. (solid 3.5-4 star) The plot seemed interesting. It took 60 pages to get the reader caught up to the situation so I wasn't really sure how much I liked the story or not. It was just getting going.
Even that had already had me questioning consent, though. The Lord had brought the molly boy/sex worker to his home just to talk. Only it became obvious …

Review of 'Men, Murder and Makeup' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

3.5 stars rounded up. The writing for this book was definitely four star. A wonderful cozy mystery. There were a few times that felt stretched to fit the plot, otherwise the writing would be a five star from me. Really, very well done.
I did have two frustrations that dropped my rating:
The Sherrif was a lovely person, but for all his talk about never letting anyone harm Vic and keeping him safe and caring about him- he never really did much of that. The bff was the one who protected Vic for days on end, took care of him, comforted him, and then saved his life. The Sheriff did none of that and didn't even figure out the mystery. Overall, other than being a nice guy he wasn't useful to have around.
Finally, this book had all the sexual buildup of most romances I read which surprised me as …

Review of 'Royally Indebted' on 'Goodreads'

No rating

DNF 20%
I know I know- you'd think I'd barely have a feel for the story and that may be fair, but neither MC had, at 74pp, imo much of a distinct personality. Which, okay, I'll learn more about them as we go. The next oddity was neither of them would stop talking about how much they required sex -extremely often. Plenty of men in mm romances want a lot of sex, but this was pushed to the point of awkwardness. I was wondering if part of the story would be one or both were sex addicts. (Still could be I suppose.) Then MC2 casually mentioned how he's cheated on at least five previous boyfriends. Not to worry though, this time it's different. This time he's going to put in a clause so if he does cheat he has to pay money-since apparently that's the only way he can stay …

Willow Dixon: Never Have I Ever: Wanted My Brother's Rival (EBook, 2023) 4 stars

“Why is the one person I hate the only guy I can’t stop thinking about?” …

Review of "Never Have I Ever: Wanted My Brother's Rival" on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

So I adore NHIE: Punched my Roommates V-card, but I skipped the second and third book in this series because they were tropes I don't enjoy. However, I decided to read this one even though it is my least fav of enemies to lovers, because I had fallen so in love with Eli in the first book. So what the heck happened between the first book and this one???
In the first book Eli is calm, cool, collected, unflappable, never awkward- this is not even the same character. I understand people are nuanced, and I love when someone emotional and needy hides behind a facade only the other MC can break through- that is not this case. Eli is all over the place, constantly. In how he talks, how he feels, how he's intimate. Serious kudos for the cam scene with the gifted dildo though. That was excellent. Thank goodness …

Review of 'Truth Will Out' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

Reading this book was like watching a Hallmark mystery movie with the audio not quite matching the characters lips. The plot is okay, but everything is just off enough to keep pulling you out of the story. The pacing of both the mystery and romance was clunky and the scenes often read like the author was trying too hard. The final straw was the ftb at 71% I skimmed the rest of the book so I could find out who did it-which I actually found sad.
I did enjoy the MCs and the village of Merrychurch, and the mystery wasn't instantly given away, but that was about it.