Piers Anthony: A Spell for Chameleon (1979, Del Ray) 3 stars

Xanth was the enchanted land where magic ruled - where every citizen had a special …

Review of 'A Spell for Chameleon' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

I was under the impression that these Xanth books were going to be amazing. Other readers have informed me of this, but i went in to the book with no expectations.
While I did like the main character pretty well, I though the book was written to suit 12-year-old boys. I didn't even get a lot of the word puns that this book was supposed to mention, but that could have been because i was reading the book in audio, and not text.
Another thin g irritated me was that it's eally obvious that Piers Anthony doesn't really like women. They all seem to be airheads with big boobs.