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Joined 1 year, 4 months ago

An autistic old bastard, I want correctness in nonfiction work. The reviews that will be posted by me will either

  1. identify nonfiction work that is important ( & any caveats to that work ), or

  2. identify nonfiction work that is disinformation/misleading, sabotaging our people's realizable-potential.

My reviews usually get suppressed at book-sellers's sites, because truth cannot be tolerated to interfere with profits, of course... So, humanity becomes less-viable, for sake of temporary-profit...

They have their "values", I have mine.

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Lars Larsson: Principles of yacht design (2014, International Marine/McGraw-Hill Education, International Marine/Ragged Mountain Press) 5 stars

IF you want to design a GOOD sailboat, bite the bullet & invest in this.

5 stars

It will take quite some time to work-through, and unless you are an engineering-student, or engineer, this is likely to stretch your mind.

I've many books on boats, now: designing, building, sailing, etc...

You CANNOT be competent at sailboat design without this, or, if it ever gets updated, the newest version of this book.

  • Design Methology
  • Preliminary Considerations
  • Hull Geometry
  • Hydrostatics & Stability
  • Hull Design
  • Keel & Rudder Design
  • Sail & Rig Design
  • Balance
  • Propeller & Engine
  • High Speed Hydrodynamics
  • Rig Construction
  • Hull Construction
  • Materials
  • Scantling Determination
  • Layout
  • Design Evaluation

  • appendices

There is simply far far far too much evolved knowledge in good boat design, for anybody to "wing it" and sponge stuff off the 'web, & end up with something even comparable to what this will enable one to do.

IF you are working up a sailboat design, or even a motor boat design, THEN please do yourself a …

Huston Smith: The World's Religions (1990, Peter Smith Publisher) 4 stars

From the world-renowned authority on religion comes a completely revised and updated version of his …

Brilliant, profound, required-reading for anyone wanting to *understand* each of the different religions...

5 stars

He doesn't pull any punches, intellectually: this is college-level, not the dumbed-down stuff that much of the writing on religion is...

I only read the Hindu, Buddhist, & Primal religion chapters, because life shattered my ability to live within the Abrahamic religions, years ago ( I've experienced some of my soul's previous-incarnation memories, so the Abrahamic-religions, with their dumbed-down assumptions, and their "God revolves around Man" paradigm, were all destroyed, for me, and when the only 2 religion-paradigms left, the Buddhist & the Hindu, differ by 1 being addicted-to-religiosity, & the other being Science-of-spirit & Engineering-of-spirit, I had no choice but to choose AwakeSoul-ism/Buddhism, the impersonal one.

I've since discovered that this incarnation wasn't the 1st buddhist one that the soul underlying "my" life had, so .. I'm just returning to buddhism, then. )

This is the only work which tells people that souls evolve, and have their own life-cycles, …

Dave Gerr: The Elements of Boat Strength (Hardcover, 1999, International Marine/Ragged Mountain Press) 5 stars

IF you intend to build any boat, THEN invest in this.

5 stars

All the boats that fail, fall-apart, burst, drown, split, or otherwise sink due to something other than crew mismanagement, are boats built either:

  • on incompetent design
  • on incompetent mistargetting ( like that riverboat that somebody was sailing in the ocean, and it just snapped in 2, with only the deck holding the front & rear halves together ), or
  • on incompetent/scammy building.

This book & the McNaughton Scantlings book ( I have both, and on any build I do, I'm going to do both sets of calculations, & compare them, to see if there are any obvious defects in 1 or the other: offshore is betting one's life ), are the only 2 books which give you how to calculate what materials to put where, in order to end up with a safe-in-the-ocean boat.

Dave Gerr gives you the ability to calculate everything's required materials, so you can build a …

"Death of a Salesman", with Willie Loman, & this book, both deal with self-honesty.

THIS is the book that should be given to high-school kids:

it is WELL WRITTEN, incisive, small, potent: an incredible work.

Not the trash that I found "Death of a Salesman" to be.

Some kids ( kapha-metabolism kids, as kapha-metabolism alters one's psyche to be less abstract & less spiritual ) may require the "Death of a Salesman" book, for its concreteness,

.. but most kids will probably prefer the deeper, profounder work "The Eye" to be more their thing, I think.

I'd give kids the choice which to read, & let them choose, for their personal nature.

Salut, Namaste, & Kaizen.

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