Portaleinband rated Moral Tribes: 4 stars
Moral Tribes by Joshua David Greene
Our brains were designed for tribal life, for getting along with a select group of others (Us) and for fighting …
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Our brains were designed for tribal life, for getting along with a select group of others (Us) and for fighting …
One of the most valuable skills in our economy is becoming increasingly rare. If you master this skill, you'll achieve …
At some point we all make a bad decision, do something that harms another person, or cling to an outdated …
Humans are relational beings. This is the best self-improvement book to know how to create meaningful and fruitful relationships.
In April 1992 a young man from a well-to-do family hitchhiked to Alaska and walked alone into the wilderness north …
Kahneman introduces two modes of thought - system 1, fast and intuitive, and system 2, slow and reasoned - and …