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Actively moving from Goodreads, hopefully more people start using this site. :) My star ratings are: 1 - did not like, 2 - it was ok, 3 - liked it, 4 - really liked it, 5 - loved it A three star book is still a good book!

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C. L. Polk: Even Though I Knew The End (Hardcover, 2022, Doherty Associates, Tor) 4 stars

A magical detective dives into the affairs of Chicago's divine monsters to secure a future …

Short and Sweet Hard Boiled Magic

5 stars

This picked up on a couple of genres that have been fairly well-trod, but was so well written they seemed fresh and propulsive. Helen and Edith were likeable and relatable, and the prose was direct but enjoyable and descriptive. The use of magic was well thought out. I thought the short length benefited the book, it made its points and got in and out.

One nitpick is that a lot of the characters' ages seemed off. Chronologically they were mid-20s, but it feels like Helen was written as older.

The thing that stands out most to be is that it's written so well it leaves you wanting more, but also explains to you why the story's a closed loop, and shouldn't continue beyond what was written.

Even though Helen knew the end, it's not going to stop me from speculating that their story after the book plays out differently. Hey, …

C. L. Polk: Even Though I Knew The End (Hardcover, 2022, Doherty Associates, Tor) 4 stars

A magical detective dives into the affairs of Chicago's divine monsters to secure a future …

Aww this is really cute....

3 stars

Short, fast, intense, and overall a really fun read.

I read this whole book in about two hours. While the beginning didn't really grab me, the clues that led to the twist were there from the start, and I had a really fun time picking them out during the finale. The particular phrases the narrator used were annoying before they became charming, but I feel they lent to strong characterization more than hurt my opinion of the story.

The worldbuilding in this book was really cool. The more I think about the setup of the world and the way the magic system works, the more I want to learn! I especially liked how the author portrayed angels and the idea of heaven, as well as magic practicioners' connections to the morals of the bible.

3.4/5 stars rounded down, might change once I've digested the book a bit more. I recommend …

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