Matthew started reading Press Reset by Jason Schreier

Press Reset by Jason Schreier
From the bestselling author of Blood, Sweat, and Pixels comes the next definitive, behind-the-scenes account of the video game industry: …
Raccoon with hyper-fixations
19 - he/him
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From the bestselling author of Blood, Sweat, and Pixels comes the next definitive, behind-the-scenes account of the video game industry: …
In this exhilarating novel, two friends--often in love, but never lovers--come together as creative partners in the world of video …
A young family moves into a small home on Ash Tree Lane where they discover something is terribly wrong: their …
Helloooo, Internet Land. Bitty here!
Y’all... I might not be ready for this. I may be a former junior figure …
“To my taste, the greatest American myth of cosmogenesis features the maladjusted, antisocial, genius teenage boy who, in the insular …
CHARLIE: “I have been going out with Nick Nelson for two years. He likes rugby, Formula 1, dogs, the Marvel …
Story of Holden Caufield with his idiosyncrasies, penetrating insight, confusion, sensitivity and negativism. Holden, knowing he is to be expelled …
If I could give this book 7 seven stars, I would, this is easily one of the best, most heartwarming pieces of media I have ever had the pleasure of consuming. It sucked me in like nothing has before, I read the entire thing in basically one sitting.
What If It's UsmeetsLife as We Knew Itin this postapocalyptic, queer YA adventure romance from debut author …