David Crystal, David Crystal: The English Language (Paperback, 2004, Penguin Books) 3 stars

This new edition of David Crystal's classic book is the definitive survey of English in …

Language including English

3 stars

David writes concisely about the English language and its global impact. For me, part three was the most interesting, but was fairly truncated in its overview, while other sections of the book felt a little frivolous. Some of the earlier sections, such as poetry and wordplay, are apropos to most languages, and it felt like surplus filler material to bulk out the book. Sometimes, there are tables included like the trucker CB-10 codes that take up a fair whack of page space, and feel completely unnecessary to the subject matter at hand. However, David has formatted this book to be approached as periodical minutiae without the need to read in sequence. In this way, it felt like a Sunday morning read, along with the crossword.