
reviewed The Magicians by Lev Grossman (Magicians Trilogy, #1)

Lev Grossman: The Magicians (Paperback, 2009, Viking Press, Penguin Books, A Plume Book) 3 stars

"Quentin Coldwater's life is changed forever by an apparently chance encounter: when he turns up …

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So. Storytime. In my country, children are separated into different high schools at twelve years old, based on academical aptitude. At the highest level, there are two types of school, gymnasium and atheneum, with the only difference being that at a gymnasium they also teach Greek and Latin. That's the one I went to (not bragging, I was a very mediocre student). As you might imagine, the type of twelve-year old that chooses to go to a gymnasium usually isn't just smart, but also very driven to prove themselves academically. Many of us staked a lot of our self-esteem on our intelligence, especially if we didn't have a lot else going on, like also being athletic or socially gifted. We were all kind of used to being the smartest kid in the room, and then suddenly we weren't. Worse, there were always a couple of stand out, near genius level …