Simone de Beauvoir: The Second Sex (Paperback, 2011, Vintage) 4 stars

Simone de Beauvoir’s essential masterwork is a powerful analysis of the Western notion of “woman,” …

I have already said that it is an almost irresistible temptation for a young woman to be part of a privileged caste when she can do so simply by surrendering her body; she is doomed to have love affairs because her wages are minimal for the very high standard of living society demands of her; if she settles for what she earns, she will be no more than a pariah: without decent living accommodations or clothes, all amusement and even love will be refused her. Virtuous people preach asceticism to her; in fact, her diet is often as austere as a Carmelite’s; but not everyone can have God as a lover: she needs to please men to succeed in her life as a woman.

The Second Sex by  (Page 934)