S. L. Huang: The Water Outlaws (2023, 5 stars

In the jianghu, you break the law to make it your own.

Lin Chong is …

"Oh, not violence," Lu Junyi said. "Not in the general sense. I only mean that as yet, our advancement has not come at the expense of men. But it shall. It must. There is not sufficient room for us otherwise. Our true success will mean some of them lose power... and that will not

come without anger and fear." "Then we should slow its progress. A tidal wave spread over many generations becomes a gentle flow, and either one gets to the end."
"A flow! You mean a trickle." "Even a trickle can wash away a mountain eventually."

The Water Outlaws by  (4%)

I do see both sides of this argument, but I recently find myself more on Lu Junyi's side. We'll get violence against us either way. Might as welly try and wash it away with a tidal wave of progress.