
reviewed The Warden by Daniel M. Ford (The Warden, #1)

Daniel M. Ford: The Warden (2023, Doherty Associates, LLC, Tom) 3 stars

There was a plan.

She had the money, the connections, even the brains. It was …

Its a Two-Parter

4 stars

A very enjoyable read. More of a travelog, a series of stories like The Hobbit than most traditional books.

I'm guessing the Twin Peaks comparison is because it's a big city detective stuck in the middle of nowhere with weird shit going on.

I finished it a week, which I think is the fastest I've done all year.

Bu yeah, this is part one of two and ends on a cliffhanger. Which I do not care for from first books of fantasy. BUT! I will read book two "Necrobane" next year.

But yeah, if you want a smug wizard-cop sent to bumfuck with an interesting cast of characters, (and goat) it's worth the read.