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Wagburger rated The Devil's Candy: 5 stars
Wagburger rated Ivory Vikings: 4 stars

Ivory Vikings by Nancy Marie Brown
In the early 1800's, on a Hebridean beach in Scotland, the sea exposed an ancient treasure cache: 93 chessmen carved …
Wagburger rated Rocket men: 5 stars

Rocket men by Craig Nelson
Author Craig Nelson restores the mystery and majesty to an event that may have become too familiar for most people …
Wagburger rated Beijing Payback: 4 stars

Beijing Payback by Daniel Nieh
Victor Li is devastated by his father’s murder, and shocked by a confessional letter he finds among his father’s things. …
Wagburger rated ggplot2: Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis: 5 stars
Wagburger rated Golden Hill: 5 stars

Golden Hill by Francis Spufford
"New York, a small town on the tip of Manhattan island, 1746. One rainy evening in November, a handsome young …
Wagburger rated The trouble with reality: 3 stars

Brooke Gladstone: The trouble with reality (2017)
The trouble with reality by Brooke Gladstone
"Reality. It used to seem so simple -- reality just was, like the weather. Why question it, let alone disagree …
Wagburger rated The Rye Baker: 5 stars

The Rye Baker by Stanley Ginsberg
"True rye bread--the kind that stands at the center of northern and eastern European food culture--is something very special. With …
Wagburger rated God Bless the Gargoyles: 4 stars
Wagburger rated Superforecasting: The Art and Science of Prediction: 5 stars

Superforecasting: The Art and Science of Prediction by Philip E. Tetlock, Dan Gardner
Superforecasting: The Art and Science of Prediction is a book by Philip E. Tetlock and Dan Gardner released in 2015. …
Wagburger rated Excellent Daughters: 5 stars

Katherine Zoepf: Excellent Daughters (2017, Penguin Publishing Group)
Excellent Daughters by Katherine Zoepf
"For more than a decade, Katherine Zoepf has lived in or traveled throughout the Arab world, reporting on the lives …