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Joined 1 year, 4 months ago

Based in Germany

Interested in books about society, fantasy, everyday life and some random stuff!

I only really started reading 2 years ago and still have a lot to read :)

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Alice Hasters: Was weiße Menschen nicht über Rassismus hören wollen (Paperback, Deutsch language, 2019, hanserblau) 4 stars

Die Frage nach Herkunft ist eine intime Frage, wenn sie von weißen Menschen an nicht-weiße Menschen gestellt wird. Sie schafft ein Ungleichgewicht. Ich muss mich erklären, ich muss Dinge über meine Familiengeschichte offenbaren. Mein Gegenüber muss das nicht. Diese Frage kann Wunden aufreißen: Sie kann indirekt nach Geschichten über getrennte Familien, Flucht, Verlassen- oder Verstoßenwerden verlangen. Sie will auch wissen, warum man denn jetzt in Deutschland ist, fordert also eine Art Rechtfertigung.

Was weiße Menschen nicht über Rassismus hören wollen by  (Page 24)

Alice Hasters: Was weiße Menschen nicht über Rassismus hören wollen (Paperback, Deutsch language, 2019, hanserblau) 4 stars

Ein unangenehmer Blick auf Rassismus in Deutschland

5 stars

Als weißer Mann war ich in meinem Leben nie das Opfer von Rassismus. Dieses Buch liefert einen schmerzhaften Einblick darauf, wie Rassismus (auch heute noch!) in Deutschland wirkt. Es wird sowohl mit objektiven Erkentnissen und subjektiven Anekdoten gezeigt, wie Rassismus Individuuen und Menschengruppen trifft. Dabei gibt es auch geschichtliche Herleitungen.

Mir hat es sehr gefallen, dass hier zwischen den stereotypischen Rassisten und Weißen mit rassistischen Bias unterschieden wird. Zudem werden die Probleme intersektional betrachtet (also z.B. Probleme die v.a. schwarze Frauen treffen), was eine differenzierte Analyse ermöglicht.

Dieses Buch bringt mich ins Grübeln und zeigt eine unangenehme Wahrheit. Ich hoffe, dass es von so vielen Menschen wie möglich gelesen wird.

Gillian Butler: Overcoming Social Anxiety and Shyness, 2nd Edition (Paperback, 2016, Little, Brown Book Group Limited) 5 stars

Everyone feels foolish, embarrassed, judged or criticised at times, but this becomes a problem when …

A helpful guide to overcoming social anxiety

5 stars

FIrst of all, I'm not a psychiatrist able to judge this book on a scientific level. Also please consult a medical professional, this is not medical advise. However I used and use it as a tool along with regular meetings with a psychiatrist and the in-take of medicine.

The Book is split into three parts. First the author writes about social anxiety, how it's classified and differentiated to shyness etc. The second part includes tips on how to examine anxious behaviour in yourself and ways to overcome protective behaviour and the anxiety itself. After that we additional helpful advise and knowledge.

As I stated above I used the book as a complimentary tool to professional treatment. And in that case it really helped me devise a plan on how to slowly going out of my shell and learning to trust people again. I especially liked the questions offering a critical …

reviewed Die Herren von Winterfell by George R. R. Martin (Das Lied von Eis und Feuer, #1)

George R. R. Martin: Die Herren von Winterfell (Paperback, German language, 2010, Blanvalet) 4 stars

Die größte Fantasy-Saga unserer Zeit in vollständig überarbeiteter Neuausgabe! Eddard Stark, der Herr von Winterfell, …

Great introduction to a great series

5 stars

Many people reviewed the book far better than I ever could so I'll just write my impression down.

As a fan of the tv series I was afraid I might not be able to follow along the complex story as a book. However this was rather easy. The storytelling is really descriptive, which allows the reader to get a detailed imagination of what people and places look like. It is a really great dark fantasy book and I enjoyed reading it!

村田沙耶香: Convenience Store Woman (2018, Granta) 4 stars

Keiko Furukura had always been considered a strange child, and her parents always worried how …

This book got me into reading!

5 stars

It is a really unusual tale of a middle-aged part time worker completely satisfied with her life being confronted with different expectations of the people around her. This books highlights how people completely comfortable with their life get looked down upon by people viewing them as a 'failure'. I thought it gave a great reason to show how a good life not adhearing to the societal expectations can turn terrible by adhearing to them. It is partly cold partly funny and I loved every word from it.

However it might be a bit different from other books. Due to its' short length I still recommend this book to anyone interested in societal topics and simple living.

Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels: Manifest der Kommunistischen Partei (Hardcover, German language, 2009, Nikol Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG) 4 stars

Available under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License:

Das Manifest der Kommunistischen …

Simple explanation of Marxism

4 stars

The manifesto is not a highly complex and detailed view of Marxism and its' concepts. It served as an easy read for people to get a simplified understanding of the oppression structures during the industrial revolution and lists a set of goals which should be achieved to establish a communist society.

This should be seen as an easy introduction to the Marxist philosophy and a potential starting point for further research into this topic.

George Orwell: Animal Farm (Paperback, 2004, Signet) 4 stars

George Orwell's timeless and timely allegorical novel—a scathing satire on a downtrodden society’s blind march …

Another classic by Orwell

5 stars

This tale highlights how an idealistic revolution can turn to a dystopia worse than the oppresion from before. There are many parellels to the story of the Soviet Union which makes it especially interesting for history nerds.

Natsuo Kirino: Out (2004, Vintage) 4 stars

In the Tokyo suburbs four women work the draining graveyard shift at a boxed-lunch factory. …

Four women getting dragged into the deadly criminal scene of Tokyo

4 stars

The author did a great job at bringing this grim atmosphere to live. We follow four women trying to get by with a bad paying job in the night shift of a factory. All of them have their respective problems but one day one of the women drastically changes that.

For anyone wanting to read an atmospheric crime story set in '90s Tokyo should pick this up. We get a look at the less favourable sides of this city and its' citizens.

Tobias Escher: Vom Libero zur Doppelsechs (Paperback, 2016, Rowohlt Taschenbuch) 5 stars

Spannende Reise durch die taktische Geschichte des deutschen Fußballs

4 stars

Dieses Buch bietet einen idealen Einblick für Taktikinteressenten, von dem Beginn des taktiklosen Kickens bis zum WM-Sieg 2014, werden sämtliche Facetten der Fußballtaktikgeschichte erklärt. Das Buch eignet sich auch für Menschen ohne Vorwissen, da die einzelnen Systeme und Konzepte einfach erklärt werden.

Ich empfehle das Buch allen, die ein bisschen mehr Hintergrundwissen zur Fußballtaktik lernen wollen. Allerdings ist das Buch etwas in die Jahre gekommen, entsprechend werden nicht alle aktuell gängigen Systeme betrachtet.

Tobias Escher, Daniel Jovanov: Der Abstieg (Paperback, 2018, Rowohlt Taschenbuch) 5 stars

Die Fußball- und HSV-Experten Tobias Escher und Daniel Jovanov erzählen vom langen Abstieg des Hamburger …

Emotionale Achterbahn von den Höhen zu den Tiefen eines legendären Klubs

5 stars

Das Buch erklärt sehr deutlich wie sich der Untergang des HSV über mehrere Jahre angedeutet hat. Es wird sowohl auf sportlicher als auch auf organisatorischer Ebene gezeigt, wie eine Reihe an Fehlentscheidungen aus dem "Dino" den "Unaufsteigbaren" gemacht haben. Das ist eine Warnung an alle Funktionäre.

Dabei ist das Buch nicht nur für HSV-Fans oder Fußballexperten. Ich empfehle es allen, die halbwegs an deutschem Fußball interessiert sind!

Erica Fischer: Aimée & Jaguar (Paperback, German language, 1995, Kiepenheuer & Witsch) 5 stars

Berlin 1942. Lilly Wust, 29, verheiratet, vier Kinder, führt das Leben von Millionen deutscher Frauen. …

How a nazi woman fell in love with a jewish woman

5 stars

This book is important and details how a couple managed to fall in love in the most hostile place imaginable. Lily Wüst is a married woman with children living an unfullfilling live in the Nazi capital with her children. Felice Schragenheim is a young jewish woman living covertly to avoid deportation.

During a nazi program showing young woman how to have a family Felice meets Lily and slowly starts falling in love. Both of them get to know each other and eventually become a couple. Navigating the risks of daily bombardment and potential deportation the two try everything to stay together. Interviews with witnesses and Lily enable the reader to understand what life was like for an unwanted couple in the darkest times of humanity.

The author critically reflects Lilly and her political views and her antisemitism. Readers might get to understand what some people in Germany thought and did …

Yu Miri: Tokyo Ueno Station (2021, Riverhead Books) 4 stars

A grim view into the life of the homeless japanese

4 stars

The mc is a ghost wandering through Tokyo and observing the people around him. During this we get an understanding of how differently homeless people are treated in Japan. This highlights the vast differences in japanese social classes and the missing understanding of the wealthier towards the poorer. During the whole book there are parellels to the japanese emperor.

It's a tragic book about the marginalised people of Japan.