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Joined 1 year, 2 months ago

I read books. Quite fast, so people say. I read stuff in German and in English. I like Fantasy.


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Currently Reading

finished reading Der Vorleser by Bernhard Schlink (Diogenes Taschenbuch, #22953)

Bernhard Schlink: Der Vorleser (Paperback, German language, 1997, Diogenes Verlag) 4 stars

Sie ist reizbar, rätselhaft und viel älter als er … und sie wird seine erste …

Classmate said it was "about pedophilia and nazis" and he was largely correct on that


at the same time the prose is incredible, the feelings of the narrator believable, his relationship to the lady is well-written and feels impactful

most importantly, though, I feel like it tackles a side of the third reich literature that is rarely talked about

@irf23 Guards! Guards! is the best entry point to the City Watch series obvs, for the entire Discworld there is always The Colour of Magic which is neat but not the pinnacle of fiction, he was obviously still finding his footing. The entire Rincewind series is not that great imo. A standalone would serve well (like Small Gods, that one's great!), but otherwise I'd always recommend the other series, I'd probably start with Death (book 1 Mort), though the witches are great (book 1 Equal Rites iirc).

The watch series does get significantly better (I love Guards! Guards! but there are brighter gems in that series), Men At Arms, Feet of Clay and the Fifth Elephant are great and I consider Night Watch to be the single best Discworld book (it's insanely good). Thud! is amazing aswell. Most of these are crime with a little social study mixed in (except …

Angie Thomas: The Hate U Give (Paperback, 2017, Walker Books Ltd) 5 stars

A powerful and brave YA novel about what prejudice looks like in the 21st century. …

amazing, 10/10 no notes I feel like it makes me understand a whole lot of stuff that just floated around me before, like I obviously got the whole Black Lives Matter thing and why it's important but not really the perspective of the people. I still can't understand obvs because I'm white but I feel like it gives something of an insight into the frustration that goes with it, if that makes sense.