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Andrew Goldstone

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Andrew Goldstone's books


finished reading The laughing policeman by Maj Sjöwall (The Martin Beck mystery series)

Maj Sjöwall: The laughing policeman (2009, Vintage Crime/Black Lizard) 4 stars

Having read #1, I read #4, going out of order because this was the one that won awards in the US. It turns out to be a sort of sequel to #1 as well, which is too bad because it repeats one of the most tiresome things in #1: the nymphomaniac victim. Nonetheless the dry-as-dust account of the investigation is really good fun, and there's a marvelously unmotivated grinchy passage about Christmas consumerism. Jury's still out on whether it's a social-democratic detective series or not.

Though I think of myself as a pretty devoted Bourdieu fan, I didn't actually read everything here, and I punted and read in English. What I read was the opening 350 pp. with the text of his Collège de France lectures, stopping short of going through the unfinished MS based on those lectures, which appears to follow it closely. My excuse is that I may be a megafan but I'm not a cultist.

Qua fan, I particularly liked confirming that my own simplifications or reformulations of Bourdieu's ideas about historical context and text, and artistic form and habitus, matched his own informal summaries. Also, the lectures admit to a level of vulnerability and uncertainty which Bourdieu never permits himself in published prose. But also there are some sharp edges here, especially at the expense of TJ Clark (from whom he nonetheless learned a lot) but even more at the expense …

Kurt Vonnegut: Slaughterhouse-Five (Paperback, Dell Publishing Co.) 4 stars

Slaughterhouse-Five, also known as The Children's Crusade: A Duty-Dance with Death is a science fiction …

Fine, I read it. It was the first time. It isn't any good, except for a couple of clever pages and the basic affirmation that war, even "good" war, is repugnant. The more a text increases its literary pretensions the less tolerance I have for its chauvinisms. Put this one in the round file next to Catcher in the Rye. I guess you can keep Catch-22? I don't know, because I read it 25 years ago and I'm not going back.

finished reading All Systems Red by Martha Wells (The Murderbot Diaries, #1)

Martha Wells: All Systems Red (EBook, 2017, 4 stars

"As a heartless killing machine, I was a complete failure."

In a corporate-dominated spacefaring future, …

An old friend gave me a series box-set as a gift, so it would be churlish to criticize. Actually I enjoyed it completely. Breezy and amusing. But as with the Scalzi I read last year, this one too bears the heavy imprint of SF TV. How many prose redactions of Firefly can niche SF bear? But then I suppose SF prose has been the R&D wing of visual media for a very long time.

Wilson Harris: Palace of the Peacock (Paperback, 2010, Faber & Faber) 2 stars

I like to think I am not the only instructor who has read a book only after their student has written on it... So I'm obviously not qualified to comment professionally, and you can and should read up in the latest ARIEL ( In her diss., Suzanne brilliantly compared this novel to JG Ballard's Crystal World: sinister voyages into the tropical interior in which the colonialist explorers are turned from heralds of imperial "progress" into fodder for the environment and its own subversively loopy temporality.

Lots of hendiadys, which I liked. More Christian mysticism than I would have preferred (I think??).

reviewed Changes by Jim Butcher (The Dresden Files, #12)

Jim Butcher: Changes (Hardcover, 2010, Roc/New American Library) 4 stars

The new novel in the #1 New York Times bestselling Dresden Files series. Long ago, …

Is that a shark I see going by underneath this car?

No rating

Have been gradually administering doses of this series to myself for quite a while now, spacing it out so as not to blunt the empty-calorie thrills too much. This one doesn't even make a token attempt at the detective half of "magical detective" and continues the drift towards a bog-standard apocalyptic confrontation, messianic hero, etc. Even some family romance thrown in (spoilers! but really, I'm not the one spoiling the fun here). The always chauvinist representation of women gets a bit more chauvinist, but the thing that really irked me was that Murphy's Aikido expertise is once again underlined and once again Butcher has not bothered to finish reading the wikipedia entry on Aikido; he seems to think it's a kind of karate. I can suspend my disbelief for vampires, "soulfire" magic, fairies (I'm sorry, Sidhe), etc. but hands off my niche martial art. These extremely serious and probing criticisms …

finished reading Roseanna by Maj Sjöwall (Martin Beck, #1)

Maj Sjöwall, Per Wahlöö: Roseanna (EBook, 2010, Vintage Crime/Black Lizard) 3 stars

The masterful first novel in the Martin Beck series of mysteries by the internationally renowned …

Having taught Stieg Larsson I decided to go back to the (or a) source. Also Sjöwall and Wahlöö were apparently socialists and I'm always interested in the can-there-be-a-nonreactionary-detective-fiction question. It's not bad. I have no idea if it's not reactionary. Kind of? I like that Martin Beck is mindful of government budgets and always uses the cheapest mode of transit. The feeling of having already read it even though I hadn't is, I think, is an artifact of reading Mankell and watching Branagh's Wallander. There are nine more installments, so I guess I'll have to see.

finished reading Dune Messiah by Frank Herbert (Dune Chronicles, #2)

Frank Herbert: Dune Messiah (2019, Penguin Publishing Group) 4 stars

The extraordinary sequel to Dune, the greatest science fiction novel of all time. Twelve years …

Re-read this to chill out after the spectacularly unsatisfying ending of Villeneuve's Dune: Part Two. Herbert is just so GOOFY. I don't think I noticed when I read this in high school that it's barely a novel, more like a padded-out short story, and indeed it appeared in three parts in Galaxy. Since I just wrote my post on Ubik, though I read it a month or so ago (? who knows? It's all a blur) it strikes me that Dune Messiah is quite Dick-ian, as it blurs the line between the actual and Paul's visions, and especially when the bizarro figures from the Bene Tleilax---a villain who can be anyone! a kooky dwarf!---get thrown in the blender. For that matter, like Ubik this one constructs an elaborate life-after-death scenario too.

Also, this time around it's suddenly very obvious to me how closely Robert Jordan read Dune. Rand al'Thor borrows …

finished reading Paradise by Abdulrazak Gurnah

Abdulrazak Gurnah: Paradise (Paperback, 2004, Bloomsbury Publishing PLC) 4 stars

Taught this as the last act in my Anglophone Nobel Prizewinners course in the spring. Didn't know a thing about Gurnah until he won the prize. It's certainly a very good novel, reconstructing both a historical and an imaginary world of early-1900s Zanzibar + Tanganyika, using the Qur'anic story of Yusuf as a framework as well as reworking, possibly out of a kind of postcolonial-academic obligation, Heart of Darkness more or less without the Europeans (but not really). The thing that really distinguishes Gurnah, and I mean that sociologically, is that while there are certainly villainous colonizers and exploiters and compradors, their victims are just as compromised; identity is flagrantly constructed and hybrid. In G's telling, the millennia-long history of Indian Ocean exchange leaves no room for clear oppositions between virtue and vice. Even the protagonist Yusuf, unlike his mythic namesake, hardly comes off very well in the end. It …

Philip K. Dick: Ubik (2012) 5 stars

Ubik ( YOO-bik) is a 1969 science fiction novel by American writer Philip K. Dick. …

Finished this a little while ago, as my ostensibly "relaxing" thing after Sources of Social Power vol. 2. Not of course relaxing at all, but a particularly tidy Dick paranoia/entropy fantasy, with everything just on the edge of all making sense but not quite. The Gnostic stuff isn't laid on too thick considering the date. I guess I thought I might teach this someday.

Michael Mann: The Sources of Social Power (Hardcover, 2012, Cambridge University Press) 3 stars

The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggle and a bunch of other things too and sometimes not class struggle actually

No rating

Content warning Why there is no socialism in the USA, why World War I happened

reviewed The taming of chance by Ian Hacking (Ideas in context)

totally normal beast

No rating

I really liked The Social Construction of What? and this sounded pretty neat. It was, but it was hard, certainly harder to follow than TSCOW. Like that book what is fun here is the teasing apart of normally bound-together strands (astronomy and measurement error, physiology and the "normal" state of organs, positivism and its social physics, etc. etc.). Hacking's historigraphic method, which is to focus mainly on exemplary but obscure 19th-century figures in European state data-collecting and their infights and grand schemes, is good for lots of laughs. And I got a clearer sense of the "state" in statistics: as Hacking memorably points out, statistics are typically collected by US about THEM: they, the workers, the poor, the peasantry, etc., need us, the enlightened administrators, to study them and assess what can and can't be done for them. This leads in one direction to the idea of the "average man" …