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Alija πŸ“šπŸ΄ Locked account

Joined 4Β years, 1Β month ago

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Alija πŸ“šπŸ΄'s books

Currently Reading

Charles D'Aniello: The One and the Other (Paperback, 2021, BoD) 5 stars

The town of Athens is an unfortunate place for all vampireβ€” humans who psychically absorb …

Can't wait for next book!!

5 stars

Aaah, this was such a needed read for me 😀😍 Every once in a while I come across something that really hits me the right way and just keep the pages turning, and this did that with an amazing blend of gripping story, relatable characters, and a healthy dose of samhÀllskritik. It made me think and feel, and I wholeheartedly recommend it ❀️✊🏴