Would have probably been a lot more enjoyable if he had named the cat just about anything else. The slow buildup followed by the explosive ending made this a fun read, but I was constantly being pulled out of the story because of it. Finishing this just kind of left me with a bad taste in my mouth where otherwise I would have enjoyed the unnerving feeling of a good horror story.
Reviews and Comments
My ratings aren’t meant to be a measure of quality, but rather a metric for how much I enjoyed something. There’s a bit of variance but mostly the ratings follow this system:
5 stars means I really enjoyed it (not necessarily that it was flawless, most of these still have things I take issue with)
4 stars means I liked it but didn’t have strong feelings about it, or that there was something that kept me from fully enjoying it but not enough to seriously detract from the experience
3 stars means I have mixed feelings
2 means I disliked it
1 means I hated it and it had little to no redeeming factors
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