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angel rated Contes de terror: 3 stars

Contes de terror by Emili Bayo Juan, Jordi De Manuel Barrabín, Empar Fernández Gómez, and 1 other
angel rated La pell freda: 4 stars

La pell freda by Albert Sánchez Piñol (Toc de ficció -- 28)
angel rated The Curse of Camp Cold Lake: 4 stars

R. L. Stine: The Curse of Camp Cold Lake (1997, Scholastic)
The Curse of Camp Cold Lake by R. L. Stine (Goosebumps)
Sarah gets off to a very bad start at Camp Cold Lake, but soon realizes her troubles with her bunkmates …
angel rated Homenatge als caiguts: 4 stars
angel rated Espanya en guerra: 4 stars
angel rated Elevator to Nowhere: 4 stars
angel rated Tirant lo Blanc. Episodis amorosos. Text adaptat: 3 stars
angel rated La rebel·lió dels animals: 3 stars
angel rated Werewolf Skin: 4 stars

R. L. Stine: Werewolf Skin (1997, Scholastic)
Werewolf Skin by R. L. Stine (Goosebumps ;)
Alex Hunter, a young photographer, is staying with his aunt and uncle in Wolf Creek. They only have two rules …
angel rated Luces de bohemia : esperpento: 2 stars
angel rated Mecanoscrit del segon origen: 4 stars

Mecanoscrit del segon origen by Manuel de Pedrolo (El Trapezi ; 24)
Dos joves, l'Alba i en Dídac, són els únics supervivents en un planeta pràcticament destruït. En ells dos s'acaba un …
angel rated Bad Dog and the curse of the president's knee: 5 stars

Bad Dog and the curse of the president's knee by Martin Chatterton (Apple series)
Bad Dog has just three days to live--three days left on death row at the City Pound. Unless ... the …
angel rated Terra baixa: 4 stars

Guimerá, Angel: Terra baixa (Catalan language, 1976, Selecta)