El primero me había gustado pero éste me encanta! Esta vez sí que he conectado bien con Verónica y me he reído muchísimo (Y sufrido a veces también).
Muy grande Sergio. Mi más sincera enhorabuena.
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apicoypaula rated El Castillo de las Pesadillas: 2 stars

El Castillo de las Pesadillas by Catherine McGuire (A Dungeons & dragons adventure book)
The reader decides the outcome of a raid on Nightmare Castle to rescue a captive ruler.
apicoypaula rated Escape room. Do it yourself: 5 stars
apicoypaula rated Buenos presagios: 4 stars

Buenos presagios by Neil Gaiman, Terry Pratchett
Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch is a 1990 novel written as a collaboration between …
apicoypaula reviewed Los muertos no pagan IVA by Sergio S. Morán (Parabellum, #2)
Verónica Guerra es detective paranormal. Es a quien recurres cuando intentas cazar gamusinos o cuando …
Review of 'Los muertos no pagan IVA' on 'Goodreads'
5 stars
apicoypaula rated La sangre de los elfos: 4 stars
apicoypaula rated La espada del destino: 4 stars

La espada del destino by Andrzej Sapkowski (La saga de Geralt de Rivia, #2)
El esperado regreso de Geralt de Rivia con nuevas aventuras. La vida de un brujo cazador de monstruos no es …
apicoypaula rated El Último Deseo: 5 stars

El Último Deseo by Andrzej Sapkowski (La saga de Geralt de Rivia, #1)
Geralt de Rivia, brujo y mutante sobrehumano, se gana la vida como cazador de monstruos en una tierra de magia …
apicoypaula rated Ocean at the End of the Lane: 5 stars

Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman
A middle-aged man returns to his childhood home to attend a funeral. Although the house he lived in is long …
apicoypaula reviewed Materia oscura by Blake Crouch
apicoypaula rated El dios asesinado en el servicio de caballeros: 4 stars
apicoypaula rated Rebelión en la granja: 5 stars

Rebelión en la granja by George Orwell
Animal Farm is a brilliant political satire and a powerful and affecting story of revolutions and idealism, power and corruption. …
apicoypaula rated Boy (Relatos De Infancia): 4 stars

Boy (Relatos De Infancia) by Roald Dahl
Presents humorous anecdotes from the author's childhood which includes summer vacations in Norway and an English boarding school.
apicoypaula rated Carrete velado: 2 stars
apicoypaula rated Ready Player One: 3 stars

Ready Player One by Ernest Cline, Ernest Cline
Imagine the WORLD AT STAKE. An EPIC STRUGGLE between good and evil. The GREATEST QUEST in history. The FATE OF …