Review of 'Who Moved My Cheese?: An Amazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work and in Your Life' on 'Storygraph'
1 star
This is not a book that anyone buys to read for themselves. This is a book that managers buy for employees they don't have any respect for.
The core of the story is a parable with four characters inside a maze: two mice, and two mouse-sized humans. They have a chunk of cheese, which symbolizes the things they want out of life. When the cheese is eaten, there is much wailing and gnashing of teeth, and various characters do or don't do things about it. One of the characters writes on the walls the things we're supposed to learn from all this, like the fact that change happens, and it can be uncomfortable, but sitting around bitching about it won't help.
The whole thing is bracketed by a bit of motivational-speaker fan-fiction, in which a couple of Mary Sues discuss the parable with some imaginary characters and collectively hammer home the lessons we were supposed to learn from the parable.
You can save yourself $20, or whatever the cover price is, by not buying it. And if your boss ever gives you a copy and tells you how wonderful it is, you can show your adaptability and willingness to change by updating your resume and finding a different boss.