Who Moved My Cheese?: An Amazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work and in Your Life

96 pages

English language

Published April 28, 2002

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3 stars (65 reviews)

Who Moved My Cheese? An Amazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work and in Your Life, published on September 8, 1998, is a bestselling seminal work and motivational business fable by Spencer Johnson. The text describes the way one reacts to major change in one's work and life, and four typical reactions to those changes by two mice and two "Littlepeople", during their hunt for "cheese". A New York Times business bestseller upon release, Who Moved My Cheese? remained on the list for almost five years and spent over 200 weeks on Publishers Weekly's hardcover nonfiction list. As of 2018, it has sold almost 30 million copies worldwide in 37 languages and remains one of the best-selling business books.

3 editions

Silly and obvious but there are some good nuggets in there.

3 stars

I can see why this book has the reputation it does. It's very simple and beats you over the head with its main points. If my boss gave me this to read before a giant restructure I'd probably launch it at his head.

That said, some of the bits about overthinking changes and fretting so much over how a change might negatively affect you did resonate with me, and I recognized myself in there, so maybe thinking of this silly tale will help with that.

The whole thing is around 100 pages. Get it from the library, take an hour to read it, try to get from it what you can.

Oh, skip the final "discussion" session. It's short, but it feels like a really bad after-school special about business.

Can We Get Out of the Rat Race: Reading the Classic Who Moved My Cheese?

3 stars

Content warning Summary of learning offered in the book.

An easy read that could be overlooked for its simplicity

5 stars

Content warning Content warning Some personal correlations to the story.

A short, but rich worthwhile cautionary tale for all.

5 stars

A good life lesson regarding adapting to change and letting go of a a complacent, comfortable situation in hopes of avoiding change. The story reads like a children's book, but the book explores the story and gives several real life examples of applying the lesson to all stages of life.

Review of 'Who Moved My Cheese?: An Amazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work and in Your Life' on 'Storygraph'

1 star

This is not a book that anyone buys to read for themselves. This is a book that managers buy for employees they don't have any respect for.

The core of the story is a parable with four characters inside a maze: two mice, and two mouse-sized humans. They have a chunk of cheese, which symbolizes the things they want out of life. When the cheese is eaten, there is much wailing and gnashing of teeth, and various characters do or don't do things about it. One of the characters writes on the walls the things we're supposed to learn from all this, like the fact that change happens, and it can be uncomfortable, but sitting around bitching about it won't help.

The whole thing is bracketed by a bit of motivational-speaker fan-fiction, in which a couple of Mary Sues discuss the parable with some imaginary characters and collectively hammer home …

Review of 'Who Moved My Cheese?: An Amazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work and in Your Life' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Though this book is supposedly a management book, it resonated with me on a personal level.

The important takeaway from this for me is resilience.
How quickly we sense changes and take appropriate actions.

I and my friend were talking about it.
We felt that we take time to move on.
We try our best and only when we are 200% sure that despite trying our best, things are not working out we move on.
Giving 200% takes time.
But the advantage is that, since we have truly done our best, finally when we do move on, we move on with no regret.

This book emphasizes that we must be smart and quick in sensing the changes and moving on. I guess finding a nice balance between moving on and trying our best would be a nice way to go forward.

Review of 'Who Moved My Cheese?: An Amazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work and in Your Life' on 'Goodreads'

1 star

A fable for adults.  Purportedly about how to deal with change, and with a gushing introduction that told how it helped people.  "It saved my job!"  "It saved my marriage!"  "It saved my life!"  But I found it boring and simplistic.  The lessons that I heard in the text were:

Change is good.
Learning is fun.  (Well, duh!)
Motivational posters are useful.  (As jokes?)
Keep your head up, and run at the first hint of trouble.  In other words, quit before they get around to firing you.
Don't overthink.  In fact, don't think at all.  The best and quickest success comes from action without thought.

I don't think the author thought this through very well.  In fact, I kept being reminded of Animal Farm, and almost wondered if the whole thing was actually a parody.  

The book kept harping on overcoming your fear of change.  And maybe some people do …

Review of 'Who Moved My Cheese?: An Amazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work and in Your Life' on 'Goodreads'

1 star

Słaba. Opowieść o myszach, oczywiście można ją odczytywać na kilku płaszczyznach. Prosta jak budowa cepa - myszy mają jakieś tam przygody w labiryncie, zdobywają nowe doświadczenia i na koniec rozdziału widzimy tabliczkę ze złotą radą.
Mego życia nie zmieniła mimo trafnych, choć wcale odkrywczych rad.
A wydanie naprawdę ładne - twarda okładka, piękny papier.

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